Why we have to study the Blessings?
There is one interesting point of life. Only studying a lot to achieve great intelligence in order to have a good job and to earn a lot o9f money is not enough to be born as a human being
วันฮาโลวีน 31 ตุลาคม Halloween ประวัติวันฮาโลวีน
วันฮาโลวีน คุณรู้จักประวัติวันฮาโลวีนหรือไม่ ความจริงที่เราควรรู้เกี่ยวกับวันฮาโลวีนคืออะไร ผีในวันฮาโลวีนน่ากลัวจริงหรือไม่ มาติดตามกันค่ะ...
V-Star :- The First Western Girl who will be the president of Kathina Ceremony
The First Western Girl who will be the president of Kathina Ceremony....she is Nong Joy or Muriel Kaegi Maurer
Learn at DOU for Yourself, for Society, and for our World
DOU students unveiled thier impressions why they decided to study and what did they experience. Click to read!
Generosity # 1
“A tree that yields fruit and shade not only will be called a beneficial tree, it will receive great care
Dad, Why Were We Born?
One day, a family invited guests to their home for a religions rite for the great-grandparent. After the ceremony, when all the guests had left, the son asked the father,
Details of the Dhammachai Dhutanga (The Pioneer Batch)
Details of the Dhammachai Dhutanga (The Pioneer Batch). The monks who have dedicated themselves for Buddhism are going to perform the Dhammachai Dhutanga along the Great Master's Paths (the Most Ven. Phramongkolthepmuni (Sod Chandasaro)).
The Third week of Dhammakaya Dhutanga
It has been two weeks since Dhammachai Dhutanga And 1,127 monks are still going on a pilgrimage and meditating for disaster relief.
The Place of Supreme Truth
In Buddhist Philosophy, the Middle Way and the Dhammakaya are absolutely united. The Middle Way is the way that acts like a certain thread sewing earth, heaven and nibbana